
Last updated: December 1st, 2022


1.How to Register Student?

To register new Student click Admission -> Registration Fill all fields then Click Save and Enrol to save your records

Screen Shot

2. How to colect fee

To colect fee from student click and then type the first name of the student your searching from searching box then colect fee



1. How to search paid fee?

To search paid fee Click search box then from the box type the reseat nomber of the paid fee and click ok for searching

screen shot

2. How to get pay-slip

To get pay-slip take the amount of money and then pay to the Bank throurg control number and then ask for pay-slip from the Bank you paid through

Fee master.

1. Fee master

To get or to add fee from fee master select Fee group and then select Fee type and then finaly Amount of the fee and then finish by saving the document.
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